JX Security Pack module was created to improve your store safety using PrestaShop templates. It is used to increase the level of online store protection: block the possibility of publishing...
Sales: 1
Support: 4.1/5
reCaptcha Plus WordPress插件
保护WordPress网站表单从垃圾邮件条目与谷歌reCAPTCHA.DescriptionreCaptcha Plus plugin is the best security solution that protects your WordPress forms from bots and spam, while...
Sales: 1


今天,保护你的律所至关重要. 即使是在网上,黑客入侵系统并丢失重要数据也是可能的. 不管你的公司规模有多大. 人们在交流时留下他们的联系方式. 这些数据你不应该透露. Also, losing a database with orders and other essential and secret business information isn't beneficial. See what a great collection of security plugins we have collected on this page. 安全的数据可以让你在网上感到自由,工作时不用担心任何事情.

Templateog体育首页提供来自领先程序员的高质量产品. 许多公司已经在使用类似的工具. 所以赶快,成为第一个!


在其存在期间,该公司经历了几个阶段. 第一步是开始的一步. In the second stage, there is an increase in turnover, modernization, and continuous development. Then, of course, there are ups and downs, an increase in the clients' number, and a reduction. Regardless of the stage, people need security measures and privacy for personal data.

First, start-up firms only create their own business and must consider security immediately. It's difficult for you to convince the potential audience of your reliability in the future, 已经让顾客失望了. 此外,有些公司只能存在一些功能元素. 例如,社交网络需要用户的登录名和密码.

第二,在公司的发展过程中,追求具体的任务. 例如,增加支付选项的数量. At the same time, you need to be sure that intruders won't see the data of your customers. For new tasks, there is a need to review what is helpful on the market so that the business can exist reliably and stably.


  • Online stores.
  • Banks.
  • 金融机构.
  • 保险公司.
  • 从属节目.
  • 联系中心.
  • 营销机构.
  • 研究机构.
  • 创新发展项目的业主.
  • Consulting.

用户列表相当广泛. After all, everyone wants to protect themselves from hacking or attacks by evil people. Therefore, 我们建议你仔细研究这个话题, successfully, quickly, 并有效利用上述商品.


因为任务列表是完全不同的, 该产品还具有各种功能, pluses, 和功能. 但首先,让我们考虑一下元素有哪些共同的积极优势.

High Quality

Templateog体育首页已经在自己的领域工作了很长一段时间. 十多年了, we have been offering visitors to develop their firm with the help of valuable graphics, 3D objects,网站模板,漂亮的电子邮件通讯,等等. It's crucial for the marketplace and its employees that buyers receive only the best examples from the most innovative, professional, 以及有责任心的程序员和设计师. Therefore, our qualified specialists carefully and thoughtfully select and save each product. As a result, our clients receive excellent quality when they shop at the Templateog体育首页 marketplace.


该名单不断更新. 毕竟,技术和设计是不断发展的. Templateog体育首页 specialists try to offer only handy, fashionable, and innovative security plugins.


高质量往往伴随着高昂的价格标签. 然而,我们的目标看起来有点不同. We strive to provide all the necessary tools for a fast, resultative, and profitable job. 但它们必须是负担得起的. 不管启动资金和预算, 每个公司都应该以可接受的价格获得优质的服务. 当然,你会看到不同的成本范围. They depend on how much technology and time the web developers spend creating the element. 然而,在任何情况下,你都不会看到很多人负担不起的巨额预算.


Finding the right instrument for the website's safe operation is insufficient. It must also work systematically, without failures, and receive critical updates. 这一点确保了稳定性、规律性和最高效率. Web developers ensure that their assistants in the protection field perform their functions thoroughly. Specialists also monitor the correctness of modules and support stable work without failures. 在商业保护方面,不应该有任何妥协.

Free Support

Not all of us are big and advanced specialists in cyber protection or hacker attacks. 这就是为什么身边有这样一个员工是至关重要的. web开发人员提供了使用支持的机会. 在大多数情况下,这些部门的工作安排是24小时的. Therefore, it doesn't matter what country, city, town, or time zone you are in. 你知道在困难的情况下可以向谁寻求帮助. 6个月的免费支持期也是一个不错的奖励. Further, all buyers have the opportunity to renew the service's validity for a fee at a reasonable and low price.


有这么多的文件, 处理设置变得更容易访问, faster, 技术上有能力. 手册分为几个部分, 哪里有详细的, 有效的书面, 和易于理解的编辑新手专家的描述. 该说明对高级和新手专家同样有帮助. The first group of people copes with the routine much faster — the second - masters practical skills, 愉快地学习和使用材料.


如果买方从未遇到过安装, it becomes nice to know that the web developer has reduced your required actions to a minimum. 同时,它们看起来也合乎逻辑. In addition, thanks to the instructions, buyers find all the necessary information.

此列表中的每个安全插件都是唯一的. 所以,它有它的用途、特点和一系列奖励. 因此,请阅读描述以了解更多有价值的数据.


以上每一项都完成了一个特定的目的或任务. However, there is a time-tested algorithm that helps during routine searches.


请使用Templateog体育首页上的过滤器. 例如,通过点击看到许多有价值的商品 on the link. However, after applying a few crucial tags, you reduce the list to only the items needed now. For example, specify the CMS and features that the module you need should have. However, don't overdo the filter and thoughtfully reduce the number of offered extensions. In this way, you may miss a quality product that can also be useful and relevant.

Sales Role

第二,注意折扣. We have a Sales section where people discover offers in that category and among site templates, 电子邮件通讯, 3D graphics, 以及音频和视频内容. 例如,看看本周有什么属于折扣类别. 专家把一个模板或版式卖出去,不是因为没人买. 这些商品都是优质的网页开发,值得关注. 项目随机落在部分中.

Small Budget

第三,当你从零开始一个项目时,要计划好全球储蓄. There is an excellent way to save the budget from unnecessary expenses - og体育首页One. 这种合作类型是按月收费的. Club members get access to unique, modern, and valuable tools for online business development. Unlimited downloading within the tariff is the main difference of og体育首页One. 与此同时,基本级支付计划的成本就像一杯咖啡. 至少,这是一个很好的选择,每个人都应该尝试. 没什么好想的. 请阅读完整的关税清单 点击链接.


第四,仔细仔细地阅读描述. 乍一看,它们的特征非常相似. 但在实践中,你会看到一些细节不同. 我们和不同的公司合作,所以他们的工作和内容都不一样. One fact remains unchanged - you get only quality tools that help your business grow and develop. You only need to choose the one required now and according to the specified parameters.



请在安装后立即输入一些更改. At the same time, the documentation that web developers attach to each purchase will help. 尽管直观的界面区分了一些CMS, 您将收到描述所有可用设置的详细手册. To find the necessary section in the documentation and start settings step by step.


首先,确定你到底需要什么. 然后转到产品页面,将商品添加到购物篮中. 请仔细填写并核对您的联系方式. Pay online. 接收一封带有存档下载链接的电子邮件. 这个文件是你购买的. Congratulations! 现在你可以保护律所了.


你们不能单独销售这台仪器. However, you may create a finished project for your client using modules or extensions purchased on Templateog体育首页.


成为一名web开发人员很容易. 我们总是喜欢有才华的专家、程序员和设计师. 所以请注册 using the link 然后开始上传你的作品到你的账户.